National Infertility Awareness Week: Reducing the Stigma of Infertility

Throughout history, infertility has been shrouded in a cloud of negative stigmas and stubborn misconceptions. Thanks to modern medicine, some of these negative associations and taboos have started to melt away in recent years. However, although we’ve come a long way, the stigma of infertility hasn’t completely disappeared. To this day, there are still many cultural and social norms that continue to misrepresent infertility as something shameful or taboo.
As part of National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW), which takes place from April 19th-25th this year, RESOLVE is encouraging all people to come together as a global interconnected community and change the conversation about infertility. Although all physical NIAW events for 2020 have been canceled due to COVID-19 and social distancing, there are still many ways for you to get involved in raising awareness and reducing the stigma of infertility.
1) Share Your Fertility Story on Social Media
Part of the reason that infertility is still unfairly stigmatized is because of a lack of social awareness and education. Many people go through life understanding very little about the reality of what it means to be infertile. This lack of awareness leads to more than just insensitivities and social faux-pas – it also plays a role in how reproductive healthcare policies and regulations are shaped.
Sharing your personal fertility story can be empowering for both you and others. By sharing your story, you are changing the conversation about infertility. You are opening people’s hearts and minds while providing support for the entire infertility community. Share your story on Facebook or Twitter, and be sure to tag @resolveorg and include the #NIAW, #ChangingtheConversation, and #MyStory hashtags in your post.
2) Participate in NIAW’s #WearOrange Campaign
On Wednesday, April 22nd, take a selfie of yourself wearing something orange, such as a shirt, socks, or even lipstick, and tag @resolveorg on social media using the hashtag #WearOrange. RESOLVE’s choice of color is intended to promote wellness, inspiration, and warm emotional energy. This burst of bright color spreading across social media platforms is sure to grab the attention of many and help them see infertility beyond the stigmas.
3) Host a Virtual Infertility Awareness Fundraiser Event
Although social distancing is in place, there’s no reason for us to be socially distant. In spite of physical separation, people have been coming up with a ton of creative, fun ways to virtually connect and communicate with one another. Get inspired and use these ideas to create your own NIAW fundraising event. Perform a concert in your living room, host a virtual game night, or teach a baking class – anything to get people involved and aware in a fun way.
Together, we can reduce the stigma of infertility and change the conversation. For more information on infertility, fertility treatments, and National Infertility Awareness Week, contact Chicago IVF today.