Dispelling The Myths Of Male Fertility Testing

Did you know that male fertility issues account for up to forty percent of all couples' infertility cases? Many times, the problem will be the sperm. The Mayo Clinic estimates that a fertile male will have at least 15 million per millimeter in his ejaculate. Obviously, if there are fewer than this, the chances for infertility increases as there aren't as many sperm to reach the egg. Sperm motility could be an issue as well as abnormal sperm morphology.
In addition to that, there are a number of other conditions and risk factors that can affect male fertility, including problems with the pituitary gland, age, and lifestyle. However, nothing can be determined for sure until the male patient is examined.
How Do Chicago IVF Fertility Doctors Determine Male Factor Infertility?
Chicago IVF fertility doctors will assess male factor infertility by performing a semen analysis, reviewing the male's medical history, and asking questions about issues that have emerged in recent months that may have affected fertility. The semen analysis will spot abnormalities in the sperm, including low sperm count, poor motility, or overall unhealthy characteristics. Male fertility testing can accurately identify fertility barriers and provide the doctors with a thorough understanding of the situation to best recommend a treatment.
Chicago IVF has a fully equipped lab and is associated with several urologists who specialize in male factor infertility if there is an underlying issue. However, a urologist is often not necessary to treat male factor infertility. A competent fertility specialist at an established fertility clinic can best evaluate and treat male factor infertility to increase the likelihood of success.
And success is absolutely possible. As treatments and technologies have improved, male infertility is highly treatable and does not factor as much into the success rate. Treatments for male factor infertility could include IVF, washed semen intrauterine insemination, and oral medications. Furthermore, male patients who have had a vasectomy should know that the procedure is completely reversible when handled by a competent urologist.
Male infertility is common, but it is also highly treatable. If you are a male and are currently trying to conceive with your partner unsuccessfully, male fertility testing may provide the answers you are looking for. Contact our staff today to schedule an appointment.