Patient Education
At Chicago IVF, we believe that the best route to our patients’ comfort and peace of mind is through their thorough understanding of the fertility treatment options available to them and what to expect along their journey to parenthood. That’s why we pride ourselves in the comprehensive educational programs we provide to every patient we see. With multiple programs available, patient education at our practice starts during your initial consultation and continues on to the end of your treatment plan. We’re committed to ensuring your informed comfort every step of the way.

Your Chicago IVF Patient Education Specialist
Your Patient Education program will begin after your initial consultation with one of our physicians. After this first meeting, you’ll be assigned and meet with a personal Patient Education Specialist, who will spend as much time as you need to go over the basics of what you can expect on your journey to parenthood, including the details of fertility testing, treatment options, side effects, and possible complications.
Before beginning your treatment, you’ll meet with your Patient Education Specialist again, who will provide you with your own “Blue Bag.” This essential kit contains comprehensive educational materials, drug samples, contact phone numbers, treatment plan details, and a complete list of possible side effects and complications.
Finally, you’ll meet with a Patient Financial Advocate, who will work with you and your insurance provider to guide you through what can be a complex and stressful process. Your Financial Advocate is there to help make the path to affordable fertility treatment as quick and painless as possible.
Throughout each step of your treatment process, we’ll ask that you complete Patient Feedback forms regarding the care you received and your patient education experience. We’re pleased to have patient satisfaction rates that typically exceed 90%.
Education for IVF Patients
If you’re undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF), your Patient Education Specialist is there for you to answer any questions you have. In particular, together, you’ll go over your medication regimen and how to administer injections, your personal IVF treatment timeline, and completion of any necessary consent forms.
Education for Surgical Patients
If you’ll be undergoing a surgical procedure at Chicago IVF, your Patient Education Specialist will be there to ensure you complete understanding of and comfort with the operation. Additionally, you’ll receive a packet of informational materials, including general information on what to expect, comprehensive details of the procedure, and any info about the surgical center itself that you might need.
Education for Ovulation Induction Patients
If ovulation induction via either pills (Clomid®) or shots (gonadotropin) has been recommended by your physician, your Patient Education Specialist will discuss your personal program with you. They’ll also provide you with an extensive package of educational literature, including:
- An introductory letter
- Booklets covering the basics of:
- Ovulation induction
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- Fertility shots
- Assisted reproduction technology and fertility treatments
- A chart outlining the schedule of ultrasound and blood test monitoring
- Instructional sheets, including materials on how to administer injections
- A list of side effects and possible complications
- ASRM Fact Sheets on fertility shots and the possible association of fertility drugs with ovarian cancer
- Instructions on placing pharmacy orders